PolyDome Calf Nursery

Standard Features:
  • Made from high-impact UV stabilized polyethylene
  • 86" Diameter x 60" High
  • Weighs approximately 100 pounds
  • Stackable
  • Easy cleaning
  • Easy access bottle holder
  • Bucket holder with 2 5-quart buckets
  • One rod to hold bucket holder in place
  • Center flow adjustable vent
PolyDome Calf Nursery

Today's Calves Are Tomorrow Profits

Raising calves is no easy chore! But dairymen everywhere have discovered the benefits of raising their calves in Poly Dome Calf Nurseries. In fact, Poly Dome is the first choice of dairy farmers throughout the United States and Canada. After comparing Poly Dome Calf Nurseries with modified wooden hutches, the University of Minnesota-Morris found that Poly Dome calves were healthier and grew faster than calves kept in wooden huts. And Poly Dome testing at several other universities is yielding similar results.

Poly Dome will help put money back into your pocket faster. Why risk burnt lungs, frozen ears and tails? Poly Dome will help eliminate ammonia build-up. Your heifers will be part of your moneymaking milking herd sooner. And with two different dome sizes to choose from, you can select the one that works best for you -- Poly Dome or Mini Dome.

You’ll notice a difference when you use the original Poly Dome. Your calves will show superb growth and Lung Power® necessary to become high producers.

Here’s how Poly Dome works: During the day, the bed pak absorbs sunlight. This stored heat keeps your calves warm at night. Unlike open huts, temperature change is controlled over a longer time to reduce stress on your calves. It’s perfect even in variable climates. Poly Dome stops snow and wind penetration--helps prevent frozen ears and tails. In fact, after years of farm testing, Poly Dome is still considered the warmest winter hut on the market.

Use your Poly Dome throughout the year with an eight-inch bedding. Open the unit and use outside pens in July and August to prevent heat problems. Keep the calves closed-in September through June.

By keeping your calves inside, they stay dryer and cleaner. No snow to shovel out, no mud tracked in. No more rebedding after snow and rain.

Poly Dome is 86”(d)x60”(h) and is constructed of the strongest polyethylene designed to withstand impact even at –20ºF!

Poly Dome features a center roof vent to provide the best possible ventilation for your calves. According to an article from Vermont Technical College, this rotatable air vent distinguishes Poly Dome from other huts. By turning the vent to match the weather conditions, you can reduce respiratory risks. And Poly Dome comes standard with buckets and bottle holder so you don’t need an outside fence during cold rainy or snow seasons.

Old Inefficient Way
Old Inefficient
  • Body heat loss Ammonia Smell Rock Base Wind Penetrates 1/2 way thru
  • Cold weather feed 30% more to compensate for body heat loss!
New Inefficient Way
New Efficient
  • Dry bed pack NO Ammonia Smell Keeps calves dry and clean Healthy calves Sun sterilization Slows heat radiation at night Faster weight gain Healthier lungs Best growth and survival
  • 3-year pro-rated guarantee
Copyright © 2005 Zartman Farms Cow Comfort Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved