Over 30 Years of Experience...

"We have used PolyDome Calf Nurseries at the Cargill Research Farm for approximately two years and have been very happy with the results. When managed properly, such as allowing for proper drainage, we found there is a low incidence of health problems. Scouring and death loss has been minimal." - W. Michael Craig, Dairy Research Nutritionist, Cargill Research Farm, Elk River, MN

"Calves raised in PolyDomes gained more weight more rapidly than calves in wooden hutches. Also, calves in PolyDomes were observed to be more active and social than calves in wooden hutches...temperature was 15-20 degrees Farenheit warmer in PolyDomes." - Dennis G. Johnson, Diary Scientist, University of Minnesota, Test Results

"PolyDomes are excellent for starting calves. They are much warmer in the winter." (Their 41 registered Holstein cows currently produce 19,154 lbs. of milk with a butterfat record at 773.) - Ken Trevena, Herdsman, Hanover Hill Holsteins, Port Perry, Ontario

"The calves definitely do better in the PolyDomes and are more trouble-free. We sold one of our cows for $41,000 this past year. Her full sister was with calves in a calf barn and we lost her after they all got sick. After that, we switched to PolyDomes. We do a lot of ET work and need good facilities to handle all the calves. So we use PolyDomes - they work!" - Berwald's Registered Holsteins, Arlen Berwald & Sons, Toronto, SD

With 235 PolyDomes on the ground, this satisfied user writes: "Before switching to PolyDomes we were raising calves in crates, causing insurmountable problems. With PolyDomes we now medicate very few calves. Our veterinarian has endorsed our program completely. The performance is well beyond our expectations." - Mary Meyer, Gregerson Dairy, Longmont, CO

We're PolyDome East - Your east coast distributor of PolyDome products. PolyDome features polypropylene products for use in raising farm animals such as huts, hutches and nurseries for calves and cattle, lick tanks, bulk bins, and silo accessories.

Calf Nurseries

Feeders & Others

Milk Mixers

Farm Utilities


Most PolyDome products are one-piece with no seams or sharp edges. The lightweight of polyethylene makes even large units easy to lift and move.

The rotomoulding process uses hollow metal moulds and a powdered polyethylene plastic that becomes liquid under high hieat. The moulds with the liquid plastic inside are spun on both vertical and horizontal axis to form a uniform thickness, or skin on the outside walls, thus the name rotomoulding. The mould is removed from heat and allowed to cool under controlled conditions to avoid shrinkage or warpage. The resulting polyethylene plastic is resistant to impact, most corrosive chemicals and temperature extremes. The slippery surface makes it very easy to clean. Polyethylene is also environmentally friendly because it can be recycled.

PolyDome has their own metal fabricating shop for frames, stands, and supports used with their agricultural products. All metal parts are powder coated for corrosion resistance.

Copyright © 2005 Zartman Farms Cow Comfort Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved