<% Dim rsCategory, catID, SQL, catDetail set rsPolyList = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") SQL = "SELECT catName, catDescription, catImage from sfCategories" rsPolyList.Open SQL, mycnn If not (rsPolyList.BOF or rsPolyList.EOF) Then catList = rsPolyList.GetRows() rsPolyList.MoveFirst End If %> PolyDome East - Farming products.

We're PolyDome East - Your east coast distributor of PolyDome products. PolyDome features polypropylene products for use in raising farm animals such as huts, hutches and nurseries for calves and cattle, lick tanks, bulk bins, and silo accessories.

<% iCounter = 0 For i=0 to uBound(catlist,2) %>
<% iCounter = iCounter + 1 Next %>