<% Dim rsProducts, prodID, SQL If Request.QueryString("prodID") <> "" Then prodID = Request.QueryString("prodID") End If If Request.QueryString("form") <> "" Then fromform = Request.QueryString("form") End If set rsProducts = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") SQL = "SELECT * from dataTable INNER JOIN sfCategories ON " _ & "dataTable.prodCategoryID = sfCategories.catID WHERE prodID = '" & prodID & "'" _ & " AND prodEnabledIsActive = 1 ORDER BY prodID" rsProducts.Open SQL, mycnn %> Zartman Farms Cow Comfort Systems, Inc. - Welcome

 <% If client = "1" Then Response.Write("<-?") End If %>

Made from Pennsylvania recycled tires, the Ulti-MatTM 3" All-Rubber Cow Mattress is virtually indestructible. The responsive cushion gives sufficient support for a cow to lie comfortably without high or low spots to cause her discomfort. The Ulti-Mat has a perfect memory, so neither a cows body, knees nor hooves will permanently indent,  puncture or tear the mattress, as long as the top cover has been well maintained and is free of holes. The corrugated underside of the Ulti-Mat provides some room for even more cushioning. There is no additional bedding required to achieve this level of comfort.* The Ulti-Mat really is the ultimate in cow comfort.

The complete Ulti-MatTM system:

3" All-Rubber Mattress

Recycled tire rubber is shredded and passed through a high-power magnet to ensure that it is free of any metal material. It is then mixed with a pliable polyurethane adhesive and mold-formed under pressure that brings comfort that your herd has yet to experience into reality.

Durable Top Cover 

You have options with the Ulti-MatTM. You can choose from our Woven 100% Water-Proof top cover  or our Non-Woven Water-Resistant cover. The woven cover offers a texturized rubber that helps keep bedding in place and it's non-skid even when wet.

Free or Tie-Stall

The Ulti-MatTM has been designed for installation in a Free-Stall or Tie-Stall barn. There is no difference between the level of comfort in either environment.

Questions?... Contact us.

Learn more about the installation.


*We recommend the use of a top surface bedding material for sanitary purposes.